New PR at the inaugural Rivertown Half-Marathon in Conway, SC! Well, it was going to be a new official PR anyway, since it was my first road half. Pretty good route except for a couple of miles near the start that were pretty steeply canted. I had to adjust my line a lot to find a flat (or flatter) part of the road. Support on the course was good, with plenty of police/volunteers on the route to keep us on course. I was able to consistently maintain my pace over the course (8:40) to hit my goal time of 1:55. Weather was very good...overcast with temps in the upper fifties to lower sixties. Wore my summer CWX tights and new North Face shirt. Ate one Gu on course about mile 7. Plenty of power left near end to run tempo for the last half mile. Overall, great run!
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Rivertown Half-Marathon
New PR at the inaugural Rivertown Half-Marathon in Conway, SC! Well, it was going to be a new official PR anyway, since it was my first road half. Pretty good route except for a couple of miles near the start that were pretty steeply canted. I had to adjust my line a lot to find a flat (or flatter) part of the road. Support on the course was good, with plenty of police/volunteers on the route to keep us on course. I was able to consistently maintain my pace over the course (8:40) to hit my goal time of 1:55. Weather was very good...overcast with temps in the upper fifties to lower sixties. Wore my summer CWX tights and new North Face shirt. Ate one Gu on course about mile 7. Plenty of power left near end to run tempo for the last half mile. Overall, great run!
Friday, October 30, 2009
North Face Endurance Challenge Wisconsin Half Marathon
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Rock Cut HOBO 25 km Trail Run


Spent a week this summer Cycling Around North Dakota in Sakakawea Country (CANDISC), a 426 mile loop ride around eastern North Dakota from August 1-8. It was my first visit to North Dakota and I was struck by the emptiness. Roads stretch off in front of you until they disappear into infinity. The route was not flat. Most days we had nice gentle rollers and occasionally a decent climb. Traffic was mostly nonexistent (as was sunshine this week). It seemed like the towns we overnighted in had a smaller population than our tour group. We got lucky with the wind, having a couple of days of stiff tailwinds and only one day of really trying headwinds. Rest stops were well organized and occasionally very tasty. Bison burgers on day one was one of my favorites. Mornings were chilly. One morning it must have been close to freezing. Definitely the coldest I've ever been in August. Overall, a very well organized tour with very little variation in the scenery from day to day. A nice change of pace, but I sure missed trees by the end of the tour.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
GLR 400 km Brevet 2009

Well, the distances are getting longer, but the weather is getting better. Right? Well, mostly. It spit rain for most of the daylight hours, but that just helped keep me at the right temperature. This would be my longest ride ever. My previous record was 244 miles at the 24 Hour National Challenge.
My experience with prior brevets and night riding had convinced me to buy a GPS. I was always paranoid about riding alone at night and missing a turn. In fact, the groups ahead of me on this ride both missed turns and got lost. But I, with my new Garmin eTrex Legend with the cue sheet directions programmed in, never missed a turn.
Before the ride, I was worried about how tough the climbs would be. And they did not disappoint, especially Freedom Road heading towards Baraboo. Once across the river on the ferry at Merrimac, most of the climbing was done. The next hurdle was the mostly flat ride into a headwind from Lodi to Columbus. All that riding into stiff headwinds on the 200 and 300 km earlier this year definitely helped keep this section in perspective. Once in Columbus, I rigged/dressed for night riding and just kept the pedals turning.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
GLR 300km Brevet 2009

Headwinds. That was the story of the first half of the day. The wind was 20-25 mph out of the west or northwest, making for some slow speeds and tiring riding for the first 60 or so miles. Then there was the hills from Verona to Sauk City. Very scenic, but lots of climbing. Had my first ever secret control at the top of one of the climbs. Was in a pretty good mood at that point looking forward to the tailwinds home. Otherwise, a pretty uneventful ride. Hooked up with a couple of other riders for the last 50 km from Edgerton to Delavan. Always afraid of missing a turn when traveling alone and there is perhaps a little more safety in numbers. Finished at midnight for the third year in a row. It doesn't seem to matter the conditions (or my condition!) I always finish right at 12:00 a.m. No flats this year (three last year!). Looking forward to the 400 km, but I'll add another headlight to the bike to make solo riding at night a little more comfortable.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
GLR 200km Brevet 2009

Since I'm in the taper for next weekend's Wisconsin Marathon, I was watching the weather carefully for yesterday's Great Lakes Randonneurs 200k brevet-if the weather was too extreme, I was gonna skip it. The forecast looked not too bad...winds 20 mph or less and moderate temps. Well, the weather forecasters let me down and we had one cold, rainy, Belgian-style extreme weather brevet.
Before the start, it was still relatively warm and I was considering shedding the leg warmers. I would soon be very glad I did not. I also chose to put a handlebar bag on my bike with every bit of rain gear I owned. This would also prove to be a very wise decision. Barely two miles into the brevet, the first rain of the day began. It was kinda neat to see the fast group all pulled over to the side of the road, in what looked like a "natural break", digging out the rain jackets. Of course, they would be passing me again in a few minutes.
The 200km route was the same as last year, Delavan to Edgerton to Verona and back. Not flat, but no really challenging climbs. Rolling into Edgerton for the fist checkpoint, all was well except for my frozen hands and feet. The temperatures had been dropping since the start and being wet just made this worse. I was feeling bad for the guys with no jackets and wearing shorts! Hypothermia was a definite possibility. I dug into my bag of tricks to dig out my Louis Garneau Rain Helmet cover-one of the most indispensable pieces of cycling gear I own. It has a visor to help keep rain out of your eyes and a desert-style neck flap to keep rain from running down your back. Combined with my Sugoi rain jacket, I could ride in relative comfort. Except for my frozen hands and feet, of course.
The lightning was a little scary on the way out of town. Big streaks of ground lightning in the direction I was traveling. Just kept pedaling. At one point between Edgerton and Verona, I started feeling a little shaky. I pulled over and just ate. Breakfast cookies rock. Calories must have been what I needed, because I started to feel better almost immediately. When it is cold, you don't drink so much, so your calorie consumption goes down and you really need to eat more solid food. Bonking in my first 200km brevet brutally reinforced the importance of monitoring my food and liquid, and I've avoided that obstacle since. In Verona, I was cold...shivering cold. Hot drinks, a change of socks, the addition of my waterproof socks, change of glove to long-fingered gloves with latex gloves beneath, more calories, and back on the road.
The ride back from Verona to Edgerton was good, except for the two flats. It should have just been one. If I had checked my tire more carefully after the first flat, I would have found the sliver of shell embedded in my tire that would cause the second flat. The cut was pretty small and I couldn't find it again to boot, so just used my last spare tube and hoped not to have another flat. Having mostly tailwinds and crosswinds definitely helped speed us along back to Edgerton. The latex glove layer was absolutely helping my hands stay warm, though it would cause a couple of small blisters. My feet were still cold, but felt drier with the waterproof socks.
Back into Edgerton. Stocked up on junk food and cappuccino. Ready to ride. Rain continued. It never seemed to completely stop all day. The hardest part of this stage is always the 11 miles on Highway M. Nowhere to hide on M, with empty farm fields on either side and very few wind breaks. Luckily, there was a crosswind for 9 of the 11 miles, UNTIL the 90 degree turn in the highway that made for a stiff headwind, lowering my speed to 10 mph. This was so hard on my back. Barely could muster the power required to fight this headwind after 120 miles of riding. This is where the mental challenge really kicks in. Cold, tired and demoralized by the slow rate of progress, you just have to grit your teeth and keep the pedals turning. The Super 8 back in Delavan is then a wonderful sight. Back in the truck, heat on high, shoes and socks off, feet stuck up against the vents. Ahhh. Can't wait to see what the 300km brevet has in store!
Thursday, April 9, 2009
George Hincapie documentary
This is gonna rock. Big George is the man. Hope he takes Paris-Roubaix Sunday.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Random bits
Getting close to the Wisconsin Marathon. Ran a 16 miler at race pace last weekend on the Des Plaines River Trail...need to slow down for the last two long runs, but it felt good to run fast. This was a recovery week, so I just ran 10 miles on Friday at a little above race pace on asphalt. Starting to think I can set a new PR. We'll see.
Great to see Jens Voigt win the Criterium Internaional again. Also good to see Danny Pate on the podium. The American teams are pretty tough this year. Would love to see Christian Vande Velde on the podium in July.
Gotta find a bike tour for this year. Thinking about Montana or Colorado. Really need to get out of the Midwest and see some scenery. I am going to back off the cycling some this year. Last year I averaged about 100 miles per ride and it really took a toll on my body by the end of the season. Think I'll try to paddle and hike some more this year.
Great to see Jens Voigt win the Criterium Internaional again. Also good to see Danny Pate on the podium. The American teams are pretty tough this year. Would love to see Christian Vande Velde on the podium in July.
Gotta find a bike tour for this year. Thinking about Montana or Colorado. Really need to get out of the Midwest and see some scenery. I am going to back off the cycling some this year. Last year I averaged about 100 miles per ride and it really took a toll on my body by the end of the season. Think I'll try to paddle and hike some more this year.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Back in the saddle
But still gotta run. After a couple of months off the bike, its time to start getting ready for the spring brevet season. First ride will be the 200km on April 25. What is going to be tricky is that the Wisconsin Marathon is the following weekend, so I better not work to hard on the 200k.
One positive of winter training, is you still get to eat! Nothing like Steak Frites after a hard weekend of training.
Long run training plan calls for 14, 16, 10, 18, 20, and finally 8 mile race pace run on Saturdays. Sundays will be bike day, with 2-3 hour indoor sessions until the weather breaks enough for outdoor riding. Just a little taste of what the Iron Man training routine will be like.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Myrtle Beach Marathon 2009

Had a great run! This will be a belated brain dump so I remember the issues for next year and the upcoming Wisconsin Marathon.
Evening before: ate at P.F. Changs, but kept my entree mild (Cantonese shrimp and scallops/brown rice/belgian ale). All good.
Night before: usual restless night, exacerbated by a chiming sports watch!
Morning: up at 4:00 to eat...two eggs, toast, coffee, faux sausage...missed my breakfast cookies. Temp about 50 for start, predicted to go into upper 50's. Rain in the forecast. Dressed in CWX summer tights, Injini socks, arm warmers, Brooks Adrenaline GTS 8 (with about 30 miles on them), newish Nike Drifit top, LiveStrong running hat with wicking headband, race belt with pouch containing five Lemon Sublime Gu packs. Left for parking area at 5:00 (too early by about 30 minutes) for the 6:30 start. Sat in the truck until close to start time. Ate one Gu pack 45 minutes before start, one just before gun. Sipped on Cytomax/Gu2O mixture while waiting.
The run: great moment on the first south bound leg...sun just coming up and P-Funk coming up on the MP3 player. Felt good starting, but crowded...some quick sprints to clear slower runners/walkers. Shed arm warmers after two miles, tossed to crew at 3 mile mark. Ate Gu/drank water at 4,8,12,16,20,22,24. Crew passed me bottles of Cytomax/Gu2O at 13 and 20...drank what i wanted each time (maybe 8 ounces). At 20 miles I also loaded up on caffeinated Gu (TripleBerry...maybe have some ExpressoLove next time). Face was a little hot rolling into mile 20, but it started raining some on the way out of the aid station...cooled right down.Quads felt like they were going to cramp on the slight downhill section at about mile 21. Pulled over and stretched a little and then cautiously restarted. I chalk this up to too much treadmill training/not being ready for the impact stresses. Crossed the line (after my JA Flecha celebration) at 4:23, new PR by about 40 minutes.
Post race: had to find family and recovery drink...was hard for spectators to see the finish (a bad redesign of the finish area as compared to last year). Felt pretty good...quads sore! Walked back to the car for the ride to the hotel for a quick shower before burgers at River City Cafe. Found a little sore rubbed on the back of my knee on my right leg! Must have been a little pinch in my tights and the stitching of the vent panel rubbed the sore. Must body glide this spot in the future if running long in the summer tights. Small spot on my left shoulder blade that was sore...maybe caused by the mp3 player armband?
Sore until Tuesday, when most DOMS was gone. No running until Sunday after marathon.
Overall, great marathon. Wonderful feeling knowing I was on schedule the whole way! Pretty consistent pace, again.
Friday, February 20, 2009
New course for Kenosha Marathon
An improved course has been announced for the inaugural Wisconsin Marathon in Kenosha on May 2.
And best of all, no ambiguous headphone policy:
And best of all, no ambiguous headphone policy:
Can I wear headphones anyway?
USATF recently changed the rules about allowing headphones in races. YES! You can now run with headphones on. You might not want to with all the fun you'll miss, but you can.
Friday, February 6, 2009
In the taper

So glad to be well into the taper. Way too much running on the treadmill this year. I have now done a 19 and 23 miler on the treadmill...that will so make you mentally tough. Temps in the teens (and lower) and a couple of feet of snow made outdoor running just too challenging.
Marathon is next weekend and I feel GOOD. Hope the weather is agreeable. I have done everything on my training plan. Speed work was done at a minute/mile faster than planned, long runs 30 seconds to a minute faster per mile than plan. I think the chances of a PR are pretty good. Time to start thinking about getting the bike set up on the trainer and getting into cycling shape.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Pain is inevitable; suffering optional

There seems to be no way to avoid pain on a 21 mile run, especially on a cold, windy January day. Despite the winter hazards, I had my best 20+ mile run ever on Saturday. While there was more than enough pain, it was not acute, just a constant thrumming in my lower legs. So pain, but little suffering.
I was supposed to be running on the Des Plaines River Trail, but was blocked by the Des Plaines River which had broken out of its banks and flooded (and then iced) the trail. Got my mileage in by doing loops of Sterling Lake and cautious loops (it was very icy) of the Van Patten Woods and access roads. Only one more 20+ miler to go before the Myrtle Beach Marathon. After Saturday, I am psyched!
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